Saturday 22 December 2012

Unbreakable Movie Trailer

Joseph confronts some bullies at school thinking he might share his dad's abilities, but is injured instead. David tries to console his son by saying that Elijah is wrong and that he is just as normal as everyone else. This encourages Joseph to take David's loaded pistol and point it at him saying that if shot, his father would not die. David manages to talk him out of the deed, not by saying he would die, but by threatening to pack up and leave for New York. Under Elijah's influence, David develops his security guard hunches into extra-sensory perception, with which he can glimpse immoral acts committed by people he touches. David's faith in Elijah is shaken when he remembers an incident from his childhood in which he almost drowned. However, Elijah suggests that the incident highlights his one weakness, water. This leads David to go to the train yard that houses the remnants of the train that crashed. Upon seeing the wreckage, David has a flashback of the car accident he and Audrey were in, it is revealed not only that he was unharmed, but that he had ripped a door off the car in order to save Audrey, a memory he had long repressed. It transpires that David used the excuse of the accident to quit football, because Audrey had a hatred of the sport and David knew that the only way their relationship could ever flourish would be to get football out of the picture. At Elijah's suggestion, he walks through a crowd in a Philadelphia train station and senses crimes perpetrated by strangers who brush past him: a jewel thief, a racist hate crime perpetrator, and a rapist.

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